Advice for New Students
If you’re a first year or transfer student, Ohio State can feel MASSIVE at first - we get it! Connecting with other people and groups will make it feel smaller as you start to learn your way around and get used to things. Our group might be just the place for you to plug in.
If you’d like some other free advice, here are some of our top suggestions as students who were in your shoes not that long ago:
Move-in day can be super overwhelming - try not to let it be! Introduce yourself to a few of the MANY people you see.
Meet and make friends with hall-mates. Leaving your dorm room door open helps with this.
Go to church - don’t fall out of the habit.
Meet some friends (or your roommate) and go explore around campus one of your first nights here.
Learn the layout of campus. Don’t be afraid to get lost. You’ll learn quicker that way.
Take part in all the free food Welcome Week has to offer!
Go to as many events as possible the first week you’re here (even if you go by yourself), and put yourself out there to make friends.
Don’t be too intimidated by the Involvement Fair; it’s kind of fun. You don't have to sign up for everything.
Join SCF. (We’re a little biased, but we think it’s pretty great.😉
Don’t buy the books unless you absolutely need them for the class.
Don’t buy the super expensive bookstore books - get them online for much cheaper.
Explore campus the first week.
Have an idea of where your classes are and know how to get to the building they are located in.
Be prepared for culture shock! It’s totally normal, so just hang in there!
Bring your Bible.
Seek out a community.
As you’re exploring campus, find some places to pray other than your dorm room.
Learn how to take care of drunk people.
Go to church - don’t fall out of the habit.
Explore your faith. If you believe something that your parents believe, get to know what it is really all about. Make sure you learn what you believe and not just say you believe because your parents do.
Connect with the campus minister - they took this role because they love college students and want to talk to you and help you explore what you believe.
Find an organization you’re really passionate about. There are 1,400 student orgs at Ohio State, so we KNOW you’ll find some you like.
Don’t overcommit to groups/ friends. Take time to relax/rest.
Don’t be afraid to get involved in groups on campus.
Write stuff in your calendars cause you can't remember everything you need to.
Learn to do your own finances, including budgeting. Learn to manage finances well.
Go to different events. Don’t stay in your dorm all of the time.
Sit next to your new friends in class.
Look for the MANY things there are to do on weekends beyond drinking/partying!
Never leave a drink unattended, even if it isn’t alcohol.
Know that alcohol is common in college culture, but that doesn't mean you need it.
Learn how to take care of drunk people.
Go with the flow. Make memories with friends.
Know that it’s ok to not be social all of the time. (If you're an introvert, honor that and spend some time alone.)
Talk to any people in town you know.
If you like to game, bring your gaming system and invite friends and acquaintances over to play with you - invest in multiplayer games - it’s way more fun that way in college
Don’t think somebody else’s experience has to look like yours.
Don’t be afraid to explore where you are - go on an adventure!! (Be safe.)
Be prepared to share your food. Whether you want them to or not, people will take it. (Ah, dorm life...)
Bring friends to the SCF flat to play games or hang out.
Get involved with groups, including student organizations, that will help your academics. You’ll meet people interested in similar career goals, gain knowledge and experience, and get leads on internships and jobs when the time comes.
You have to study.
Know that it’s totally okay if you don’t know what you want to do with the rest of your life. Most Ohio State students don’t.
Go to classes. Make friends IN your classes.
Did we mention studying?
Think about your major and talk to academic advisors and other students if you have questions.
Oh, and study.
Be ready for teachers who don’t plan to hold your hand. Most professors at Ohio State care about their students, but they’re preparing you for the professional world. This means they expect you to be responsible for your own deadlines. But reach out with questions, because most are happy to answer.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. There are TONS of resources and opportunities at Ohio State, but ultimately you’re responsible for finding and taking advantage of them. Ask your advisor and other students about the best classes to take. Jump online and explore study abroad programs. Scan through the student orgs and take a risk to join.
Consider the things you’re passionate about. If there is a group doing it, join them. (Remember the 1,400 student orgs at Ohio State…)
Don’t be embarrassed to do things you secretly love to do. Learn to do them in public.
Learn to dress in a style you enjoy.
Do not be afraid to express how you feel. Don’t compromise your beliefs to make friends.
Learn to get organized in a way that makes sense to you. (YouTube and Google are filled with options.)
Learn to cook things you like to eat. And learn to cook it well. (YouTube/Google/Pinterest)
Stay in touch with your mom or dad or other significant people back home.
Buy lots of underwear and socks (you’ll do a lot less laundry, which is expensive)
Wash your bedsheets regularly.
Buy a lock for day lockers at the gym and other places
Learn to drink black coffee or find your favorite source of caffeine on campus.
Live life. College is the best place to be you.
Learn to do your own finances, including budgeting. Learn to manage finances well.
Ask your parents to help you understand your financial aid.
Buy lots of underwear and socks (you’ll do a lot less laundry, which is expensive)
Don’t buy the books unless you absolutely need them for the class.
Don’t buy the super expensive bookstore books - get them online for much cheaper.